
Friday 20 August 2010

AS Results!

As you can see from the blog title this post will be about the wonderful world of results, that single piece of paper that will make or break you.
As for me, it broke me as I didn't get the results to continue onto the following year, however I've found another course which is so much better for my skills so maybe it was a good thing I failed. Now the only question is will I pass the interview...
That I'm not sure because I've never really done an interview before, unless the ones with the connextions advisers count, so I'll just have to wait for the call and go for it. Speaking of call I got a call from the school I attended asking to speak to me about my results and whether my choice will be good for me in the future or not. Personally I'd rather go to college and do the course I've chosen, but I have to keep my options open just in case.
Anyway I hope everyone else good good results, or at least has an idea on what to do next with them.

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