
Wednesday 2 June 2010

Exams are driving me up the wall! Speaking of Driving...

I just realized something, the post I just put up is the first one for this month, which means it's June... And that means...

MY EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER, note the almost...

For the people who have finished all of them, you're a bunch of lucky bitches! I still have three left, the first two (English and Biology) not looking forward to, however my last one (Psychology) is going to be a walk in the park! However, I have to sit the other two first.

I enjoy the subjects, it's just that the papers are so irritating. The questions are always worded so differently to what they (the people who create the mark scheme) are expecting. It is so ridiculous. However as a exam student you realize that you just have to deal with it and try not to kill yourself in the process, which is harder than it sounds.

Moving on to a less suicidal topic, I'm getting my provisional licence soon! I can finally start to drive, bad news my mum decided to use my old passport photo from 3 years ago (which is hideous), but screw that I get to drive! Okay so I am dreading my first few lessons (considering it's going to be with mum), but I think I'll catch on quite quickly... hopefully (as noticed in previous posts I'm not very... optimistic LOL).

And a final note...
Super Junior rules!!!
That's all.

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